Social Security benefits are complicated, and one of the biggest areas of confusion is around Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). If your clients are counting on SSDI to protect their family, they may need to think again. In 2021, the Social Security Administration (SSA) released data showing that fewer than 40% of initial applications for SSDI are approved. And even if your client’s case makes it to a hearing, only 49% of those cases progress to the claims stage, a process that on average can take more than one year from application to initial claim payment. To make matters worse, due to the COVID pandemic, SSA reported that there are more than 750,000 backlogged applications; a 30% increase over previous years. As they say, “Get in line, bud!”

So what is a client to do? Personally owned disability insurance is a potential solution to this problem. Watch this BREW where Shawn Good, of The Good Law Group will elaborate on this important planning challenge and share solid ideas about how to better protect and serve your clients.