
You have been invited to attend E4 Insurance Services Inner Circle. Congratulations on receiving this special invitation!

–  Dan Peterson, Brendon DeRouin, Steve Bergee, E4 Insurance Services Managing Partners

About Inner Circle

The Inner Circle is E4’s exclusive December gathering, where we celebrate our success of the past year. This interactive study group offers a rare opportunity to engage with like-minded peers, exchange insights, and explore the cutting-edge developments in our ever-evolving field. It is a meticulously curated gathering, bringing together a select group of individuals who have consistently demonstrated innovation, integrity, and leadership in the financial and insurance sectors.

 Airfare/Travel expenses are not included and will be your responsibility.

Our 2024 Inner Circle sponsors will provide hotel accommodations, entertainment, food, and beverages.

Thank you, generous sponsors!


Wednesday, Dec 11th
6:00-9:00 PM: Cocktails and Dinner

Thursday, Dec 12th
8:00-8:30 AM: Breakfast at Prudential Headquarters
8:30-4:30 PM: Meetings and Study Groups
7:00 PM: NHL Hockey Game (Prudential Suite) and Dinner

Friday, December 13th, 2024
8:00-8:30 AM: Breakfast at Prudential Headquarters
8:30-12:00 PM: Closing Meetings
12:00 PM: Adjourn

Attendees will receive additional details and a complete itinerary after they RSVP.
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